Heart of the Gospel

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time [C]

September 15, 2019

Luke 15:1-32

Chapter 15 of the Gospel of Luke contains three of the most heartwarming as well as powerful parables in the entire Bible. These three parables are known as the parable of the lost sheep, the parable of the lost coin, and the parable of the prodigal son. If we look closer into these three parables, what is so stunning and astonishing is how Jesus bends, twists and stretches human logic and natural tendency to nail His point.

In ancient Israel, shepherds knew that to pastor the flock of sheep was not easy job because they had to lead their flocks in constant search for food and water in the wilderness. Sheep was naturally dumb animal and possessed no natural defense mechanism. As a sheep looked for food, it easily went astray and was exposed to imminent threats like wolves, hyaenas or robbers. The shepherd had to exert extra effort to watch over their sheep. Yet, occasionally, a sheep or two got lost, and the shepherd had to go into search and rescue mission.

However, Jesus tells us about a good shepherd who dares to leave the other sheep to search for a single lost sheep. Along the way, he may stumble upon life-threating dangers like robbers or pack of wolves. There is no assurance he will find his sheep. He is practically risking his own life for this dumb sheep. What even remarkable is that after the shepherd discovers his lost animal, he rejoices exceedingly and throws a party for the finding. His mission is a huge success and it is time to share the joy with others. It is simply heartwarming story. Then, when Jesus’ listeners are still mesmerized, Jesus drops the bomb. He points out that God is this good shepherd! God is the woman who rejoices for the small coin. God is the father who accepts and celebrates for his runaway son who returns. Through these parables, Jesus teaches us our God is merciful and His mercy is beyond our wildest imagination. This is why that they have been called as “the Gospel of the Gospel” because the three parables carry the heart of the Gospel, that is the mercy of God.

Every one of us is like the lost sheep, the lost coin or the lost son. There are points in our lives we are so low and feeling meaningless. No amount of worldly happiness can fill our hearts, until Jesus finds us. Carolyn Kolleger was a successful American model and movie actress. As a baby, she was baptized Catholic, but she never knew and loved her faith. As a model, she never thought anything else but herself. She also got married to Erwin Kolleger, a business man, who enjoyed worldly pleasures. They were rich, throwing a lot of parties, drinking alcohol and even consuming drugs. Until, she got pregnant. She did not want to lose her career and pushed by her husband, she aborted the baby. She did it not only once but thrice. She got depressed, and her marriage was about to collapse. Until, a priest came and helped Carolyn and Edwin. They began to meet a Catholic counselor who helped their marriage. Carolyn decided to repent and go back They were received back into the Catholic Church. She prayed the rosary and read the Bible in more regular basis, and attended the Eucharist. Eventually her husband also followed her, and rebuilt their marriage and family not in the basis of worldly measures, but faith, hope and love. They were blessed with four children and find true happiness.

This is our God, a compassionate and merciful God who tirelessly seeks His lost sons and daughter.

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